
At Jade Dental, we understand the importance of protecting your teeth and jaws during sports activities or teeth-grinding habits. That’s why we offer custom-fit mouthguards that provide optimal comfort, protection, and peace of mind. Our experienced dental professionals will work closely with you to create a customized mouthguard that suits your specific needs.

Why Might You Need a Custom-Fit Mouthguard?

Mouthguards are protective devices worn over the teeth to help prevent injuries and minimize the risk of dental trauma. Whether you participate in contact sports, engage in recreational activities, or have a teeth-grinding habit, a properly fitted mouthguard offers the following benefits:

  • Protects teeth
  • Prevents jaw injuries
  • Reduces soft tissue injuries

Creating Your Custom-Fit Mouthguards

Our dental professionals will take precise impressions of your teeth and jaws to create a customized mouthguard that fits comfortably and securely. We fabricate your mouthguard with high-quality, durable materials, ensuring long-lasting protection and optimal comfort. Once it’s ready, our dental team will ensure that it fits properly and make any necessary adjustments.

Tips to Care for Your Mouthguard

It’s important to follow proper care instructions to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your mouthguard.

Rinse your mouthguard with lukewarm water or mouthwash after each use, and gently brush it with a toothbrush and mild soap to remove any debris. You’ll also want to store it in a well-ventilated case when not in use. Avoid exposing your mouthguard to high temperatures or direct sunlight, as this can cause distortion or damage.

Over time, mouthguards may wear out or become damaged. Bring yours to your dental check-ups, and our team can inspect it for signs of wear and ensure it still fits properly. We will advise you to replace your mouthguard if we notice any of these issues.

Get Your Custom Mouthguard at Jade Dental

Protect your smile with a custom-fit mouthguard from Jade Dental. Our skilled professionals will ensure a comfortable fit and provide a durable and effective solution for safeguarding your teeth and jaws. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation!

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Patient Testimonials

“I’ve had an amazing experience at Jade Dental! Dr. Fernandez and the entire team were very professional and caring. They made me feel at ease throughout my visit and explained every step of the process. Go to Jade Dental if you want top-notch dental care.”

5 Star Rating

Candace S.

Quote Mark

“I’ve always been afraid of going to the dentist, but Jade Dental changed that for me. Dr. Fernandez is a true professional and she genuinely cares about her patients. She took the time to address all my concerns and made sure I was comfortable during my treatment. I’m grateful that I found a dental office that cares about their patients and their needs.”

5 Star Rating

Mark T.

Quote Mark

“I highly recommend Jade Dental for anyone wanting comprehensive dental care. The team is knowledgeable, thorough, and made me feel like a valued patient. The doctor also speaks Spanish! The office is well-organized, and appointments are always on time. My dental health has improved a lot since I started coming here.”

5 Star Rating

Jennifer R.