
Gingivectomy is a dental procedure that involves the surgical removal of part of the gingival (gum) tissue to treat various periodontal conditions or improve dental aesthetics. This procedure can be performed by specialized dentists, such as Dr. Ellys Fernandez, in dental clinics such as Jade Dental.

What dental conditions may require a gingivectomy

Gingivectomy may be necessary to treat advanced periodontal disease, gingival hyperplasia (excessive gum growth), or to improve aesthetics in cases of overly prominent gums.

How long does recovery take after a gingivectomy?

Recovery varies, but generally, patients experience mild discomfort for a few days. Pain relievers may be prescribed and instructions on post-operative care, such as avoiding hot foods and drinks, will be provided.

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What are the risks associated with gingivectomy and how are they managed?

Risks may include excessive bleeding, infection, or postoperative tenderness. The dentist will take steps to minimize these risks, such as providing detailed postoperative instructions, prescribing medications as needed, and scheduling follow-up appointments.

What is the typical procedure for a gingivectomy?

  • Initial evaluation: Before performing the gingivectomy, the dentist will conduct a complete evaluation of the patient's oral health. This may include x-rays, periodontal testing, and medical history discussions.
  • Local anesthesia: To ensure that the patient is comfortable during the procedure, local anesthesia will be administered to the area where the gingivectomy will be performed. This will numb the gum and surrounding tissue.
  • Preparation of the area: Once the anesthesia has taken various effects, the dentist will prepare the area using instruments and, in some cases, dental lasers. Careful cleaning is performed to expose the gingival tissue that will be removed.
  • Removal of excess tissue: With the area prepared, the dentist will proceed to cut and remove excess gingival tissue using a scalpel or laser. Precise cuts are made to correct the shape and size of the gums according to the treatment goals.
  • Hemostasis and sutures: After the unwanted tissue is removed, hemostasis will be applied to control any bleeding. In some cases, sutures can be used to close the incisions, although in modern procedures, sutures are not always necessary.
  • Postoperative instructions: The dentist will provide detailed instructions on post-operative care. This may include oral hygiene guidelines, temporary dietary restrictions, and the use of pain medications if necessary.
  • Long-term follow-up and care: Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to evaluate recovery and ensure the patient is satisfied with the results. Additionally, long-term recommendations for maintaining gingival health can be provided.

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Patient Testimonials

“I’ve had an amazing experience at Jade Dental! Dr. Fernandez and the entire team were very professional and caring. They made me feel at ease throughout my visit and explained every step of the process. Go to Jade Dental if you want top-notch dental care.”

5 Star Rating

Candace S.

Quote Mark

“I’ve always been afraid of going to the dentist, but Jade Dental changed that for me. Dr. Fernandez is a true professional and she genuinely cares about her patients. She took the time to address all my concerns and made sure I was comfortable during my treatment. I’m grateful that I found a dental office that cares about their patients and their needs.”

5 Star Rating

Mark T.

Quote Mark

“I highly recommend Jade Dental for anyone wanting comprehensive dental care. The team is knowledgeable, thorough, and made me feel like a valued patient. The doctor also speaks Spanish! The office is well-organized, and appointments are always on time. My dental health has improved a lot since I started coming here.”

5 Star Rating

Jennifer R.