Dentures & Partials

Dentures and partials are designed to restore the function, appearance, and confidence of patients with missing teeth. With our custom-crafted prosthetics, our Jade Dental team can help you regain a beautiful smile and improve your ability to eat, speak, and live comfortably.

Benefits of Dentures and Partials

If you’re missing teeth, replacing them with dentures or partials can provide many benefits, with a key advantage being the restoration of chewing and speech functions. Moreover, these dental prostheses enhance the appearance of your smile, filling in gaps and restoring a more natural look. This aesthetic improvement can significantly boost self-confidence.

Dentures and partials help maintain oral health by preventing further tooth loss, supporting the facial structure, and preserving the alignment of existing teeth. Overall, these benefits contribute to a better quality of life and oral well-being.

Dentures & Partials

Suitable Candidates for Dentures or Partials

Dentures and partials are suitable tooth replacement options for many individuals with missing teeth. They can be a viable solution for people of various ages and oral health conditions. Here are some scenarios where dentures or partials may be recommended:

  • Complete or partial tooth loss
  • Inability to undergo dental implant surgery
  • Affordability
  • Functional and aesthetic considerations

Caring for Your Prostheses

Proper care and maintenance of your dentures or partials are essential for their longevity and your oral health. Here are some general care guidelines:

  • Remove and rinse your dentures or partials after meals
  • Clean them using a soft-bristle brush and non-abrasive denture cleaner
  • Brush your gums, tongue, and any remaining natural teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove plaque and stimulate circulation
  • When not wearing your dentures or partials, place them in a denture-soaking solution or water to prevent them from drying out or warping
  • Handle your dentures or partials with care to avoid dropping or damaging them
  • Visit Jade Dental for regular check-ups, professional cleanings, and necessary adjustments

Are You Ready to Restore Your Smile with Dentures or Partials?

Dentures or partials may be the right choice if you’re missing teeth and looking for a reliable and comfortable tooth replacement solution. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards regaining a confident and complete smile.

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at Jade Dental

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Patient Testimonials

“I’ve had an amazing experience at Jade Dental! Dr. Fernandez and the entire team were very professional and caring. They made me feel at ease throughout my visit and explained every step of the process. Go to Jade Dental if you want top-notch dental care.”

5 Star Rating

Candace S.

Quote Mark

“I’ve always been afraid of going to the dentist, but Jade Dental changed that for me. Dr. Fernandez is a true professional and she genuinely cares about her patients. She took the time to address all my concerns and made sure I was comfortable during my treatment. I’m grateful that I found a dental office that cares about their patients and their needs.”

5 Star Rating

Mark T.

Quote Mark

“I highly recommend Jade Dental for anyone wanting comprehensive dental care. The team is knowledgeable, thorough, and made me feel like a valued patient. The doctor also speaks Spanish! The office is well-organized, and appointments are always on time. My dental health has improved a lot since I started coming here.”

5 Star Rating

Jennifer R.